2019-11-13 · 将 Icon Font 编码限制在 4 位:Amaze UI 直接使用 Font Awesome,不可能去调整近 500 个图标的编码。 Apparently, Adblock Plus can remove Font Awesome brand icons with their "Remove Social Media Buttons" setting. We will not use hacks to force To

浏览器广告屏蔽插件推荐(Chrome … 2019-1-28 · 今天无意中打开MSEdge浏览网页时感觉广告好多,看起来很难受。我自己平时使用其他浏览器的时候都是使用广告屏蔽插件的,现在推荐给还没有使用过的小伙伴们,减少工作学习时无关信息的干扰。目录ChromeFirefoxChromeChrome中我一般使用的是 628463 - Icon for Adblock Plus - Bugzilla Adblock Plus was the top winner of our icon makeover contest this summer, and unfortunately our graphic design intern left before finishing Adblock Plus's new icon. We still need to deliver an icon to ABP, and as their current icon doesn't scale very well, we need it for Firefox 4. Wladimir's brief is below: ----- There is an oddity with the 利用Adblock Plus,让你的百度首页变得更干净 - … 2019-4-6 · 利用Adblock Plus,让你的百度首页变得更干净 ZihanGu 2019年04月06日 在Chrome 应用商店里有一款非常热门,几乎人人都会下载的扩展程序——Adblock Plus。众所周知,它的广告屏蔽功能很强,几乎所有类型的广告都可以精准识别并自动屏蔽。但

【AdBlock Pro - 高效的广告过滤工具 Chrome插件

AdBlock | Negros Chronicle 2020-7-20 · Using AdBlock Plus • Click on the AdBlock Plus icon on the top right of your browser • A drop-down menu will appear with a check mark followed by Enabled on this site • Click the button to until the text reads Disabled on this site • Refresh the page or click Continue to site, to access negroschronicle.com

Microsoft Edge Addons

#176 (AdBlock Plus icon clipped in IE at high DPI You can only see a sliver of the AdBlock Plus icon. Expected behaviour. You can see all of the icon. Commentary. The problem is that AdBlock plus is expecting the Zoom control on the status bar to be a fixed number of pixels. However, its size actually depends on the screen's DPI. Support : AdBlock Help