Of course, you need to find a DNS server you trust that supports it. This can be in addition to VPN. As for point 3, yes. If the people spying on you can spy on your servers connection, then they will see your traffic and it could be arguably easier as that VPN server is probably easier to associate with you than a random public wifi connection.

Android VPN Settings - Help on understanding them! Weird Dec 19, 2013 Solved: VPN DNS - Host name, Not FQDN - The Meraki Community You can set the search domains for the VPN connection. On macOS it's called "Search Domains" and on Windows it's the DNS suffix list. The MX will not supply this info to VPN clients, so you'll need to set it on the devices. MRCUR | CMNO #12 DNS vs. VPN vs. Smart DNS | NordVPN Jun 10, 2019

Fixing OpenConnect’s VPN Search Domains on Ubuntu

For more information, see DNS in Mobile VPN Configurations (Fireware v12.2 or lower) in the WatchGuard Knowledge Base. See Also. About DNS (Domain Name System) About DNS on the Firebox. Name Resolution for Mobile VPN with SSL. Configure DNS and WINS Servers for Mobile VPN with IKEv2. Configure DNS and WINS Servers for Mobile VPN with IPSec Use DNS Leak Test & Quickly Identify DNS Requests Exposure When you connect to a VPN, all your online traffic is supposed to be routed through the VPN network. That includes the DNS queries we mentioned before. They should go through the encrypted tunnel straight to your VPN provider’s DNS servers. But that’s not always the case. A DNS leak is a security flaw that allows your queries to travel to Solved: Verizon FIOS DNS resolve issue - Verizon Fios

r/macsysadmin - Set DNS search domains on VPN tunnel

Dec 13, 2012 DNS and Mobile VPNs - WatchGuard For more information, see DNS in Mobile VPN Configurations (Fireware v12.2 or lower) in the WatchGuard Knowledge Base. See Also. About DNS (Domain Name System) About DNS on the Firebox. Name Resolution for Mobile VPN with SSL. Configure DNS and WINS Servers for Mobile VPN with IKEv2. Configure DNS and WINS Servers for Mobile VPN with IPSec Use DNS Leak Test & Quickly Identify DNS Requests Exposure When you connect to a VPN, all your online traffic is supposed to be routed through the VPN network. That includes the DNS queries we mentioned before. They should go through the encrypted tunnel straight to your VPN provider’s DNS servers. But that’s not always the case. A DNS leak is a security flaw that allows your queries to travel to Solved: Verizon FIOS DNS resolve issue - Verizon Fios usually the dns system would not be able to resolve the name, causing the VPN connection DNS to resolve the name to the proper internal ip adderss. But now that fios is resolving to it never goes to our vpn connection DNS to do a name resolution, and no one can resolve our apps url when on a FIOS network with a VPN connection.